How Do You Feed a Dinosaurs in Durango
The dinosaurs are have returned!
And you'll need to defend yourself against them and even tame them in the mobile MMO, Durango: Wild Lands. After surviving a traumatic accident during a train ride, you wake up to find yourself on an untamed island. This island takes you back to the prehistoric age, which means you'll have to live off the land and work alongside other survivors. The wild lands can be ever so unkind to you, but we're here to make sure you hold on for as long as possible. Thanks to the devs behind this new MMORPG, we've put together a list of beginner tips that should help you properly navigate the wild lands.
Here are the top 10 tips, tricks, and cheats you need to know for the new Durango: Wild Lands:
Download the Durango: Wild Lands APK here.
1. Pick the Character Whose Advantages Aid You Most at the Start of Your Journey

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• As soon as Durango: Wild Lands begins, you'll be given the option of choosing your preferred character class. Tapping on each of the selectable avatars presented to you helps detail the skill they've managed to master at level 20. You'll be treated to a character who's efficient at farming, construction, cooking, gathering, tailoring etc. Consider the style of play you'll stick to the most during your journey while selecting a character class.
• We preferred having an instant advantage in the offense or defense departments at the start – it's worth having that extra boost in attack power or defense by choosing the melee character or the one with the added defensive stat. You'll reach level 20 for a lot of the other skills in the game relatively quickly, so don't worry about sacrificing them for a much stronger skill at the beginning of the game. Getting access to a more lethal character or one that's capable of taking a few extra attacks works best at first, in our opinion.
2. Health, Energy, and Fatigue
• Durango: Wild Lands has three main resource bars for your character. Knowing what each of these bars do and what activities affect them will ensure you're never caught unable to finish gathering a resource or use a combat ability. Your health & life are represented by the red bar, your energy & stamina are represented by the blue bar, and your fatigue is represented by the smily face meter.
• Health is the amount of Life you have. When you take a hit in combat, you'll lose a small amount. In order to recover Health, take some medicine or rest at a bonfire. Life is the amount of damage you can take before dying. Life regenerates slowly over time and regenerates even faster if you're resting at a building, like a bonfire or tent.
• Energy is the amount of Stamina you have and is the fuel you use to perform most non-combat actions, like gathering, crafting, or building. The only way to recover Energy is by eating food. Stamina is what you use to perform active combat actions, like Kick or Body Tackle. Used Stamina is shown as a light blue, but will regenerate fairly quickly over time. Fatigue represents how tired your character is. How fast you gain fatigue will depend on things like what equipment you're wearing and what environment you're in. You can reduce Fatigue by consuming Fatigue resorting items or by resting.
3. Leveling and Skills

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• As you gather, craft, and hunt in Durango: Wild Lands, you'll naturally raise your Character and Skill Levels. Most everything you do will give you EXP in one of your skills. Gather some reeds? You'll acquire Gathering EXP. Your Skill Level cannot exceed your Character Level for any of your skills, however. So if your Character Level is 34, you won't be able to get to level 35 Gathering until your Character Level reaches 35.

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• As you level up your Character Level, you'll gain SP or Skill Points that you can spend to unlock various craftable items or actions within the skill trees. You can unlearn five skills per day for free, so don't hesitate to experiment and try out all the various skills. Every five Skill Levels, you'll be required to Research the skill in order to advance its level. You can only research one skill at a time though, so plan accordingly.
4. Staking a Claim

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• After completing the first two tutorial islands, you'll be sent off on a hot air balloon to your very own "Tamed Island" to claim a "Domain" of your very own. You can expand your Domain up to 13 sections for free, so space won't be an issue. Buildings you construct within your Tamed Island Domain will not degrade and you can even set it up accordingly so your friends can use them.
5. Types of Islands – Part 1

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• The "Warp" works in mysterious ways, which means the world of Durango is constantly shifting and changing. Durango is made up of several small islands – while some are permanent, others seem to shift in and out of Durango. There are several types of islands that make up this world.
• Tamed Islands are private personal islands where pioneers build their own camp. These are permanent and never disappear. Once you make it to one of these islands and set up your own base camp, be sure to set aside some time to construct a basket. You're going to want to have some extra storage on hand to combat all the inventory issues you'll run into early on. All that material gathering means you're going to want to have access to a basket. "Unstable Islands" (red swirls) are where you'll find higher level resources, dinosaurs to hunt and tame, and the "Communications Center" quest hub. These islands will disappear and "refresh" every so often. So don't build anything on them that you want to keep.
6. Types of Islands – Part 2
• "Civilized Islands" are higher level islands that clans and pioneers can claim a Domain on together. While the islands are permanent, they'll cost you "T-Stones" (Durango's currency) to maintain. Keep in mind that the buildings built here slowly degrade over time. And lastly, "Savage Islands" are high level areas that feature PVP battles.
7. Organizations

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• Durango has several different organizations that'll give you missions through the "Communications Center" on the Unstable Islands. By completing these missions, you'll earn their trust and be able to request special support packages from them. These packages contain a wide variety of consumables ranging from food to high level crafting components. Durango's organizations come in the form of "The Company," "Chlorophyll Forum," "Frontier Coalition," "The Committee" and "Radio University." You can learn a bit more about these organizations right here.
8. Follow the Red Dots

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• In Durango, you'll find that there are a ton of rewards given to you for doing everything; from crafting, to leveling, to even just logging in! Everywhere that has a Red Dot leads to some sort of reward or task for you to complete, so be sure to regularly check your Menu to see what's available.
• Login Rewards: don't miss out on these special rewards that are delivered daily to your character. You can also pick up special event rewards on login or login on weekends for different items. Daily/Weekly Tasks: these are more like milestones that you complete as you play through the Wildlands and are applied to everything you do. Rewards can range from T-Stones, Experience, and even some Warp Gems as you complete enough of them. Mail Rewards: located at the top of the menus, this is where you'll find some of the Pre-Registration rewards.
9. The Career Guide at Radio University

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• Ok, so you've finished the tutorial, and you're out on your own in the world — so what's next? A good starting point is the "Career Guide" hosted by Lamar from the "Radio University" organization. There are seven sections, ranging from Combat, Tailoring, Cooking, and more. Each section starts with the basics and gradually increases as you keep going.
• One of the best perks of completing a Guide is a special in-game title. This not only shows off your knowledge to players in the world, but it also grants you access to stats you can apply from the Character tab. Pick the title that best suits the activity you take part in while exploring the Wildlands.
10. Join the Community!

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• Durango is best played with friends or alongside some new clan mates. Finding and playing in groups is super rewarding – strike up a conversation about in-game features, work on missions on the Unstable Islands, or even build up your Clan Enclave on a Civilized island. Here's a quick list of great communities in game and out of game to help you build that group of friends in Durango:
• The Bonfire: each unstable Island features a Bonfire to help you rest to regain some health or do some on-the-fly cooking. They also are excellent places to meet some new Pioneers while hanging out. Strike up a conversation, send an encouraging emoji, or even do some light hearted dancing.
• Official Facebook: during an extended break away from the game, go check out Durango's official Facebook page. Lots of Clans do recruiting from our page, and it's also a good place to catch up on details about new events.
• Reddit & Discord: these player run communities are great for anyone looking for an extra helpful hand. These non-official communities feature some of the most diehard players who regularly provide expert level knowledge of the game. We really like both spaces and encourage everyone to check them out.
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